Sunday 13 March 2011

To Greymouth and Hokitika

Wednesday March 2nd we travelled along the coast road to Greymouth. This area is well known for its mining of coal nowadays (and gold over a hundred years ago), and is where the sad event of last November, when those poor miners lost their lives down the Pike River mine.
We had not been prepared for the dramatic change in scenery as we drove along. Stunning views. Tropical rainforest meets the Tasman Sea.  Nicau ferns and the rocky coastline was staggering to see.
The 'Pancake Rocks' at Punakaiki were a great stop for a short walk and photos of limestone rock formations along with a blowhole.
This area is also a good place to buy Jade/Greenstone in New Zealand.
 The next day we visited 'Shanty Town' a replica gold mining village, where Hugo was thrilled to ride a steam train and Michael was thrilled to find 'Gold' when gold panning, Bea was thrilled to eat Icecream.
Thursday we visited Hokitika, a little town on the coast which thrives from tourists flocking in by the coach load to buy Jade.
Tasman Sea meeting rainforest north of  Greymouth

Artwork on Hokitika beach

Pancake Rocks

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