Tuesday 15 February 2011

continuing north

Not wanting to leave Whatuwhiwhi, we decided we had to press on to be able to complete the far north in less than a week. A quick visit to stock up in a 'Pak & save' (never again) we drove on. We were so intrigued to see the Cape that we planned to do the 60 miles there and back in one day!!! But just before we got near the top I spotted a sign for Te Paki sand dunes . We turned  and followed the gravel road to see the biggest most giantest sand dunes ever!! Definately a highlight for me. There were people hiring boards and sandboarding down the giant mounds.
It was baking hot too....
The last few miles to the Cape were quite eerie as sea mist poured in from the ocean and the road felt like it ran along the top of the point. The end was a car park and then a walk down top the lighthouse. This is the point where the Maoris believe that when they die their spirit leaves from the Cape to go off to its final place at Hawaiiki. Very moving.

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